This volume is accompanied by a CD-ROM which contains HTML files related to the papers published in the book. In most cases, the demonstrations elaborate on the content of the printed papers, and should be seen as complementary to them, providing additional visual material. In other cases, they are totally rewritten contributions about the same subject but with different formatting and some new material, including video or interactive models.
Because of the technical difficulties of carrying out language editing on this material, it was decided to publish the demos as the authors supplied them. Some material is still in the original language (especially where taken from screen views), and there may also be some minor errors in English.
COPYRIGHT © exists on all materials in this CD, which are the property of individual authors or their institutions. No part of this material, or its text, images, videos or virtual models can be copied, printed or distributed without written permission from the individuals concerned.
Despite considerable effort, some technical deficiencies might remain, such as inactive links.
Furthermore, the CD-ROM is a compromise between speed and resolution, so that some recordings (especially VRML models and movies) are at a lower resolution compared to the original files.
Depending on the computer used, it might still take some time to load the heavier files. Please also note that, due to the technical impossibility of creating ‘screen captures,’ the images for F. Petrignani’s demonstration on the Sistine Chapel were taken by conventional photography, which explains their relatively low quality; this is also a result of the curving of the monitor.
Some papers call for additional software. For best results, you should use Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher, and install additional plug-ins. We have included installation programs for CosmoPlayer 2.1, QuickTime 4.0, LivePicture, Shockwave, (see the Software Folder at the root level of this CD). Installation is very easy, but in some cases (QuickTime and Shockwave), you need a computer with an Internet connection to be able to download some files. We suggest installing all this software before reading the contents.
This CD can be read on a Macintosh computer, using the appropriate versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator. You should install QuickTime, Shockwave and the CosmoPlayer plug-ins. Mac versions of those plug-ins have not been included here. For any question about the book or the papers, you should contact the individual authors.
Beyond CAD: A Look at Data Integration and Analysis Using GIS
Gaetano PALUMBO (The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, USA)
Mural Painting Documentation as a Spatial Database
Florian PETRESCU (Geosystems-Romania srl, Bucharest, Romania) and
Elena MURARIU (Pro Patrimonio, Bucharest, Romania)
Dynamic Imaging in Conservation
Adrian HERITAGE (English Heritage)
The Archival Documentation System (S.D.A.): The Electronic Heart of the Restored “History of the True Cross” by Piero della Francesca
Stefano CASCIU (Soprintendenza BAS of Florence, Prato and Pistoia),
Giuseppe CENTAURO (Private practice, Prato, Italy) and Massimo CHIMENTI (Private practice, Arezzo, Italy)
CAD & GIS together as optimum solution for graphic documentation in heritage recording
Heinz LEITNER (Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Dresden) and
Rafal SZAMBELAN (Faculty for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw)
Demonstration of Heritage 3-D Imaging Applications in Israel
Robin LETELLIER (Heritage Recording Adviser to the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada)
3-D Visual Information and GIS Technologies for Documentation of Paintings: The Tomb of “Cristo Sole” in The Vatican Necropolis(3r dC. AD)
Maurizio FORTE (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute for Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, Montelibretti, Italy),
Alessandro TILIA and
Stefano TILIA (TREERRE, Rome)
Digital and Rectified Photography for the Creation of Base Maps
Jacques NEGUER (Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, Israel)
An Example of the Utilization of GIS Software (ArchView 3) to Establish a Project of Conservation for Mural Paintings: Brando Chapel, Corsica
Michel HEBRARD (private practice, Avignon, France)
The Stereoscopic Exploration of 3-D Models as an Instrument of Knowledge, Documentation and Measurement for Mural Paintings
L. MENCI, F. CECCARONI (Menci software s.r.1., Arezzo, Italy) and
Paolo SALONIA, (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute for Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, Montelibretti, Italy)
Computer Technology and Documentation Related to the Restoration of Michelangelo’s Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel (1987-1994)
Filippo PETRIGNANI (Vatican Museums, Vatican State)
CAD Documentation for the Mapping of Conservation Operations at Angkor Wat
Simon WARRACK (Private Practice, Rome, Italy).
A User-Friendly Approach: Web Links
Giancarlo BUZZANCA (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Rome, Italy)
Selected Bibliography on Computer-aided Documentation
Giancarlo BUZZANCA (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Rome, Italy)